The City of Linwood Web site is dedicated to providing residents and visitors with information and access to the full range of services offered by the municipal government.
400 Poplar Avenue
New Jersey
United States
  • +1 (609) 927-4108 work
  • City Services

    The City of Linwood provides a full range of services for residents. Select a link from the left hand column if the services you are interested in is not listed below.

    Bureau of Fire Prevention

    Memorial Field
    All Wars Memorial Park

    400 Poplar Avenue
    Linwood, New Jersey 08221

    Tom Flynn, Fire Official
    Phone: (609) 926-7998

    Ray Conover, Fire Inspector
    Phone: (609) 926-7998

    Application for a Certificate of Smoke Detector & Carbon Monoxide Alarm Compliance (1/30/2025)
    Application for a Fire Permits, ie; Food Trucks, Bon Fires, Open Flames (1/15/25)
    Fire Prevention Business Pre-Inspection Check List

    Hospital and Rescue Squad Services

    Rescue services are being provided by Inspira.


    The Atlantic City Electric Company provides electric service, the South Jersey Gas Company provides gas service, the New Jersey—American Water Company provides water service, and the City, through its own sewer system, provides sewer service to virtually the entire City. The City collects and pumps the sewage to facilities operated by the Atlantic County Utilities Authority and pays the County Authority for treatment